
We are a global affiliate platform that connects content creators and companies. Our goal is to help content creators all over the world to live by their passion for content creation and help large companies profitably acquire new customers. We work in both the USA and all of the EU, and our vision is to build the world's best platform for content creators to find jobs and handle all their finances.
Location Denmark
Founded 2021
Employees 11-50
Industries Fintech, SaaS, Service, Marketplace & eCommerce, Advertising, Sales & Marketing
Business model B2B, Marketplace
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Easy access and treehugger friendly workplace.

New tech gear
New tech gear

Are you a true Tech Savvy? Macbook, trackpad, you name it, we get you covered.

Central office
Central office

Your local office is your anchor point, thus, we placed it centrally at your convenience.

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Get your caffeine fix to get you started and keep you going.

Free lunch
Free lunch

Enjoy a free catered lunch with your colleagues, every day.

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Friday is something special, let's enjoy a beer together.

See all 9 benefits

Key numbers




Yearly revenue


Markets represented


Money raised


Founder, CEO

Asger Mathiasen



Incubator for ITU Students

Open positions (4)

Dutch-speaking Influencer Campaign Manager Intern (Autumn 2024 - Students only - 3-6 months)
Filify Copenhagen Internship
Swedish-speaking Influencer Campaign Manager Intern (Autumn 2024 - Students only - 3-6 months)
Filify Copenhagen Internship
Norwegian-speaking Influencer Campaign Manager Intern (Autumn 2024 - Students only - 3-6 months)
Filify Copenhagen Internship
Part-time Influencer Campaign Manager (German speaking)
Filify Copenhagen Part-time