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Showing: 4448 filtered startups

HeyWaitr ApS

HeyWaitr was founded January 2021 and is a Copenhagen based fintech / SaaS solution dealing with the HoReCa industry. We reduce waiting time for the guests - they can order their food and drinks with just a few clicks on their smartphones. - without any delay, waiting time and physical interaction. A lot of places are troubled with the lack of qualified staff and have to be highly aware of their cost. We increase the revenue, especially on beverages - it's fast to place a new order via the app instead of waiting for a waiter to come by or go to the bar. HeyWaitr reduces waste via eliminating human flaws. A lot of places are troubled by waiters who by accident types in the wrong order from the guest. Furthermore we eliminate the possibly of the guests either forgets to pay the bill or runs away from it, because th guests are paying when they place the order via credit/debit card, MobilePay or Kevin. We are currently working with everything from famous tourist attraktions like Egeskov Slot to classic cafes. The idea of heywaitr was born at a regular cafe. We were sitting outside, enjoying the sun and had some food and beverages. When we repeatedly had to sit around and wait for 10-15 minutes to get in contact with a waiter to order and had to wait additional 10-15 minutes to pay the bill when we were done eating and drinking we decided that there should be an easier way to handle this. Then the digital waiter was born, and we started out researching and interviewing the managers & owners of some local places.


Hvis du leder efter en pålidelig og superhurtig kollega inden for indholdsskabelse, så led ikke længere end ContentAI! Med sin fantastiske AI-teknologi på dansk samt populære skabeloner som facebook ads, produktbeskrivelse mv., kan ContentAI hjælpe dig med at skabe indhold af høj kvalitet hurtigt - så du kan fokusere på det større billede. leverer brugerguides om produkter. Vi laver tests af de mest populære produkter i alle mulige forskellige kategorier. Vi bestræber os på altid at være opdateret med de nyeste trends, produkter og produktopdateringer så vores besøgende kan få den bedste vejledning. Vores mest populære side lige nu er test af gasgrille.

AmaMai Agency

Et kreativt bureau, der hjælper iværksættere med at udnytte deres digitale potentiale Vi synes ikke, at man skal gå på kompromis med sin hjemmeside, sit logo eller sin kommunikationsstrategi, bare fordi man har et lille marketingbudget. AmaMai Agency hjælper små virksomheder med at få en visuel og strategisk stærk online tilstedeværelse på sociale medier og egen hjemmeside. Vi tror på, at et brand skal være en helhedsoplevelse, hvor det fysiske produkt eller service, hjemmeside, identitet og sociale medier går op i en højere enhed. Vi strukturerer, analyserer, planlægger og løfter en byrde fra kundens skuldre. Det giver mening for os.

Experience Design

Our focus is on the many employees who provide value every day to their stakeholders but are held back by inefficient processes and/or systems that don’t keep pace with the technological possibilities of the day. Our mission is to drive value creation through internal functions by using technology to create the best possible Employee Experience. We have chosen the best and modern digital platforms which can be tailored to produce logic and easy to use mobile solutions. With our long experience with process optimization we put value creation and mobility to work – for your employees.


Culture is your democratic value for money commercial focused branding, marketing and sales agency. We don’t have high thoughts on sophisticated strategies, advertising awards and complicated shortenings, that everyone has to look up anyway. We are the agency for everyone who’s main objective is to run a business or get going with a start up. That we make simply and affordable.

ZenzeTech ApS

ZenzeTech's mission is to improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease. ZenzeTech is a small startup that monitors Parkinson’s patients’ walking symptoms with intelligent insoles equipped with different sensors. The data is translated into the patients’ courses of disease, which can be used to enhance clinicians’ ability to personalize and optimize the patients’ treatment.

Loftbolig A/S

Loftbolig A/S hjælper boligforeninger og professionelle med at konvertere de mange uudnyttede tørrelofter i København til moderne, miljøvenlige boliger. Vi samarbejder med ledende arkitekter og anvender de nyeste teknologier og materialer for at skabe unikke, miljøvenlige boliger. Loftbolig A/S køber tørreloftet af foreningen og sørger for al papirarbejdet og omdanner tørreloftet til lejligheder med minimalt besvær. IForeningen kan bruge pengene til at renovere taget, sætte opgangen i stand eller tage en tur sydpå - det vælger de selv. Uanset hvad kan foreningen sove trygt om natten. Vi stiller bankgaranti og forsikringer, der dækker selv den værste stormflod og vi insisterer altid på den bedste kvalitet.


Cyroinvest er et 100 % dansk registreret Anpartsselskab (ApS) der beskæftiger sig med investering og investeringsrådgivning i kryptovaluta. Cyroinvest er en professionel partner til virksomheder, der søger rådgivning og investering i kryptovaluta. Dette betyder også, at Cyroinvest, til trods for at handel og rådgivning vedrørende kryptovaluta i udgangspunktet ikke er omfattet finansiel regulering, i stort omfang vil vi forsøge at følge de regler, der analogt kan finde anvendelse på området. Dette indebærer også, at Cyroinvest vil holde sig ajour med Finanstilsynets Fintech afdeling, og på områder, hvor det findes relevant også at søge rådgivning. Det er vigtig for Cyroinvest, at Kunden føler tryghed i samarbejdet. Cyroinvest sørger derfor at skabe transparens i aftaleforholdet, ligesom Cyroinvest også har udarbejdet politikker samt skriftlige forretningsgange og procedurer på alle væsentlige områder, herunder for ordreudførelse, hvidvask, IT og databeskyttelse, ligesom selskabets regnskaber er underlagt kontrol af revisor.


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Give Service

Give Service er et rengøringsfirma, der kan sikre dig et rent og harmonisk arbejdsmiljø, tilfredshed og samt ikke koste dig en formue. Du kan du trygt overlade opgaven til os. Det er vores vision at blive mellemstore, så er vi i stand at tilbyde fornuftige priser som er fri fra belastning af unødvendig administrativ del.


We are helping unemployed and uneducated people with gaining proof of their skills. We have a cooporation with 500+ companies, that are used to this kind of labour. Together with these companies, we have made 300+ small videocourses about specific tasks in the different companies or branches. Hereby people can get proof of what they already know, and they can learn a little more at the same time. Once they have done that we have an automatic CV-maker. It just need you to answer some simple questions (then it fills out CV automatically), add a picture, and then it pops up with 10-15 suggestions of how your CV could be. The same story regarding "Apply", but here you have the option for choosing between a lot of sentences, so you dont need a big vocabulary yourself. All this is packed in to be used on handheld devices, as it is seldom that people in this stage of their life, have admittance to a well functioning PC/MAC. The package is a BtG and BtB solution, and we already have contracts with. some of the biggest players on the market.


Founded in 2016, NinjaThinking develops and nurtures game-changing ideas, taking them from idea to proof of concept before "releasing them into the wild". We have a specific project seeking funding for marketing & advertising purposes. We have the backbone and development team in place (and the funding for this), however, our need is funding and expertise in marketing specifically to help get the word out, whilst avoiding the traditional pitfalls and errors that plague start-ups.

SimplyPrint ApS

SimplyPrint brings the needed evolution to 3D print. We make it; smart, simple and easy to manage. Founded in January, 2020 with a dream of making 3D print easier for teachers, students, print farms as well as hobby-level enthusiasts. We set out to make the simplest, but most powerful platform for 3D printers, and we think we have achieved just this. - Users can start, stop, monitor and maintain their 3D printer(s) from the most intuitive 3D printing platform with the nicest UI on the market - Teachers don't have to worry about their students using the printers, and students don't have to rely on their teachers to use them - Print farms can access all their printers from a single panel With more than 260.000 print jobs started through our platform, 3337+ KG of 3D printer filament used, and more than 56.900 days of raw print time, SimplyPrint has been well received nationally and internationally, by hobby users, schools, universities, libraries and print farms.


Studynow is an online learning platform for university students in the Nordics. You can think of us as the Netflix for online learning. We create and deliver a range of online courses such as Python, Excel, R, Latex, Powerpoint, Matlab and much more. Our focus is on finding the best instructors, creating the best possbile learning content for university students, as well as creating a quality user experience throughout our services.