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Showing: 4451 filtered startups

NOON Ventures

NOON Ventures is a Copenhagen-based early-stage investor established in 2020. We invest in proven transformative technologies with the potential to significantly impact environmental or climate challenges. Our aim is to become the preferred partner for green entrepreneurs, and we do so by limiting our investments to few companies and working day-to-day with each of them – a fundamentally different approach than traditional early-stage investors. We believe that it takes much more than capital for companies to succeed - commercial experience, execution power, access to the right talent, network, and partners to name a few. We typically engage ourselves in all aspects of the business and do real work together with the founders applying the experience of our team, investors, and specialist advisors across mission-critical disciplines from strategy to customer introductions, and financing activities. NOON Ventures aspires to be true co-developers of businesses alongside the entrepreneurs, and we dedicate the time required to build lasting businesses.


Planway er et dansk bookingsystem, der primært henvender sig til frisør og skønhedsbranchen. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at modtage online booking, så de får mere ud af deres afsatte tid. Ved brug af intelligente forslag til booking, bliver booking-kalendere automatisk optimeret efter kundens ønsker. På et marked med mange små erhvervsdrivende, arbejder vi hver dag for at give vores kunder det bedst mulige udgangspunkt for at drive deres forretning.


GoPay is a cloud payment solution for canteens and companies used for meeting service, canteen sales, take away and other internal services in house the organization. GoPay offers an omnichannel payment platform where payments can be made by mobile app, POS and desktop browser and offers different payment options like credit card, payroll deduction, invoicing and wallet. The GoPay content can be personalized by account owner. GoPay offers add-ons to improve operation and customer communication eg. check in screen to minimize free riders, market offers, publishing news and the week's menu.


STRØMWORKS is based on the notion that digital success is found in the synergy of design, strategy, and innovation. We’re a digital transformation agency, consulting and executing digital excellence strategies that enhance the consumer path for our clients – from e-commerce experiences to tradeshow apps and public health information. Since 2015, we’ve helped clients of all sizes realize the potential of digital transformation with an integrated approach to service design, product strategy and digital innovation. Apart from client work we create and build our own products, such as TrueTwins - a blockchain based platform for sustainability, authenticity, and transparency, Ree, a fashion resale platform or Bridge, a full circle solution for tradeshows.

Nordhavn Manufactory ApS | Nordhavn eddikebryggeri

Nordhavn Manufactory aims to become an innovative fermenting food hub entwined with the philosophy of the New Nordic movement, and with a central goal of putting true circularity into action. Nordhavn Manufactory products will be a true exercise in taste, organic produce, localism and resourcefulness.


Flexbuy er en groende virksomhed placeret i hjertet af Odense. Vi arbejder ud fra, at fleksibilitet og gennemsigtighed er måden at drive en virksomhed i 2021. Vi tilbyder virksomheder at lease deres IT igennem os på en 6 måneders binding. Derudover tilbyder vi også bruttolønsordninger, til de virksomheder som er på udkig efter at skabe en mere attraktiv arbejdsplads. Det sidste halve år har meget af vores fokus været, at bygge og opgradere vores kontrolcenter, der hjælper med at håndtere virksomhedernes IT og fjerner det administrative arbejde, der før har været ved at opsætte og administrere en bruttolønsordning.

Leadwise A/S - Letfinans

Leadwise creates intelligent ways for banks and insurance companies to receive customers through API's and structured customer data. We provide our partners with tailored client data through quality minded marketing - targeting consumers meeting the criterias of our partners. At the heart of our services, we offer consumers a 1-stop broker service on consumer credit products named Letfinans, providing the consumer with more transparency and sound competition between the banks offering these products. This is coupled with a brand new way of optimizing the consumers personal economy through Open Banking and making sure the consumer does not overpay on their loans or insurances. Join us in our quest for ensuring consumers in Denmark and beyond are always presented with the best options when it comes to their finances and insurances.


The mission of StretchFit is to help people get the most out of daily activities, without being limited by different physical problems, pains, and aches. This is achieved by providing our customers with everything they need to get to this goal, including equipment, nutritional supplements, but also guides, information, and relevant knowledge in a simple and engaging form. We are a team of 3 motivated owners whom have been in e - commerce for 5+ years already. Since the beginning of StretchFit in September 2020, we have generated revenue over 500 000DKK, and we are currently widening our reach to other countries. Our vision is to build a successful brand in the aforementioned niche market within 2 years. We are working every day, from Monday till Sunday, early mornings, late evenings. So if there is someone that wants to be a part of a working environment of this nature, that is what we are looking for. Of course we do not expect anybody to work non-stop, but at least we can be of a great motivation to those who want to do something with their lives.


Build your data warehouse with Weld in minutes with our powerful ELT, SQL Transformations, rELT and AI Assistant - connected to 100+ apps, files and databases. Weld requires zero maintenance, and automatically ensures that your data pipelines are running smoothly — so your data team can stop worrying about engineering and focus on driving business insights. Backed by some of the top European VCs and business angels, we're currently scaling across Europe and the US.


Born during the Covid-19 crisis, Clicktrip is on a mission to reconnect the world through travel. Clicktrip combines low prices on over 1 million hotels with a simple booking process, to bring the joy back to travel. Clicktrip has a growing hotel room inventory across the globe. This means that we are able to offer low prices on rooms whatever the destination.


Supplios develops software to help global manufacturing companies manage and scale their supply chains. Modern technology + huge underserved market = huge opportunity to make a difference. Sourcing and procurement, supplier quality and compliance management, new vendor onboarding -- all are critical (but sometimes boring) parts for managing a fast-moving supply-chain, but often filled with a mess of of spreadsheets and unorganized email threads. We're out to change that. Our next-generation supplier engagement platform goes way beyond traditional 'e-sourcing' and 'vendor management' solutions by providing a complete suite of integrated tools to centralize all supplier interactions in one place. It includes truly innovative features like an integrated supplier communications platform, sourcing pipelines, 'hands-off' vendor portal management, integrated compliance tools, one-click onboarding, and other powerful features that both saves our customers time, and improves relationships and collaboration with their suppliers. Our team has extensive hands-on experience managing global supply-chains in the fast moving consumer electronics, semiconductor, and industrial manufacturing industries, and we are now channeling that experience to build the types of tools we wish we always had. We are a small team with big ambitions, focused on building a sustainable business with long-term happy customers. Come join us!

Inviso by Devoteam

Hos Inviso er vi specialiseret i Alteryx, Tableau og Power BI. Vi hjælper danske C20 virksomheder, samt store globale virksomheder med at få fuldt udbytte af deres data. Vores kompetencer inden for forretnings- og dataforståelse gør os i stand til at levere unikke løsninger til hver enkelt kunde og hjælpe dem med at træffe de rigtige beslutninger. Vi gør en dyd ud af at være de bedste på markedet. Derfor investerer vi tid og ressourcer i vores ansattes udvikling gennem uddannelse, træning og konferencer. Vores kunder beskriver vores konsulenter, som dygtige, ydmyge, samt passionerede datanørder, der skaber værdi fra første dag. Vi tror på, at de bedste løsninger skabes sammen og sætter stor pris på hinanden. Hos os er der højt til loftet og en uformel omgangstone. Vi arbejder tæt sammen som team og har en god fredagsbar. Hos os bliver du ekspert i at bearbejde, analysere, visualisere og formidle data. Det sker gennem et intenst onboarding program, hvor du vil blive uddannet og certificeret i Alteryx, Tableau og Power BI, samt oplært som konsulent, så du kan drive dine egne projekter og knuse ethvert dataproblem


In CrowdNerds we help Danish companies succeed with crowdfunding through campaigns on platforms like Kickstarter. We truly think that crowdfunding is an awesome way to launch a product or start a business, and we are on a mission to educate businesses on this opportunity. We also host lectures on the subject and are eager to get more involved with educational institutes.


Stedger democratizes the eCommerce market by empowering webshops and suppliers alike to compete against giant international companies like Amazon. We're a young company, and are experiencing good growth. We are looking for a talented software engineer, who will play a central role in shaping and building our future product! We strive to create a culture which is fun, rewarding and transparent with room for personal and professional development - where everybody feels like they're part of something bigger.

Vores mission er skabe øget trivsel, så brugerne får et bedre liv. Det vil vi gøre ved at udvikle en teknologi, der giver organisationer mulighed for at tilbyde deres medlemmer unikke sundhedsydelser, der øger livskvaliteten. Vi er et team af specialister med dyb teknisk forståelse, og ideen til opstod, da vi koblede vores viden om teknologi med ønsket om at gøre en forskel for den enkelte bruger. Mængden af data er stigende, og brugere, organisationer og leverandører indsamler løbende data, men al den indsigt og viden skaber først værdi, når det omsættes til initiativer, der gør en konkret forskel for brugeren. Vi vil gerne bruge digitalisering til at skabe en integreret og unik brugeroplevelse. Tænk hvis optikeren, udover at sælge kontaktlinser og briller, kunne anvende de halvårlige synstests aktivt ved at lade data følge brugeren. Derved kan brugeren nemt stille alle sine synsdata til rådighed for eksempelvis et forskningsprojekt, der forsker i lige præcis den øjenlidelse, som brugeren er arveligt disponeret for. Det vil forbedre behandlingen for brugeren, gavne forskningsprojektet og bevirke, at brugeren får en præference for lige præcis den optiker, der lader data følge brugeren. Konkurrence fordele handler om lige præcis det; evnen til at give brugeren nogle fordele, der er unikke. Indsamling af data åbner også op for helt nye muligheder for at udvikle nye løsninger og produkter, der kan være med til at gøre en forskel for den enkelte. Dermed vil kundeservice få en helt ny betydning og have en direkte effekt på livskvalitet og personlig sundhed. Vi vil gøre data til den nye grønne bundlinje ved at gøre det muligt at koble personlige data fra brugeren, med data indsamlet via en leverandør og offentligt tilgængelige sundhedsdata. Det vil gøre brugeren til en aktiv sundhedsbruger, der får fuld valuta for sine data, og det gør organisationen i stand til at skabe bedre rammer for øget trivsel. er designet til en digital hverdag, hvor der er taget hånd om data. Det er fundamentet for vores teknologi. Vi tilbyder indhold til meningsfulde sundhedsydelser, der gør en forskel. Så vi sammen kan skabe øget livskvalitet for brugerne. Hver dag. Hele livet.