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Showing: 4450 filtered startups

Basis Nuts

Basis Nuts finds and imports unique, delicious, regional varieties of nuts grown by small-scale farmers. Today, consumers are nut illiterate in the same way we were coffee illiterate 20 years ago. We're unable to identify different nut varieties, recognize the different tastes between varieties, or distinguish between the same nut grown in different growing areas. Without this basic understanding of nuts, consumers are unable to judge the quality of nuts and thus buy them based on price. This has benefited the nut industry enormously, because it has made nuts completely interchangeable. It means that nut buyers and importers can source nuts from around the world and dictate the prices for growers – even if it is below the cost of production. It means that in order to be competitive, nut growers have to plant larger and larger orchards, mechanize their production, and grow high-yielding nut varieties to ensure that they can sell their nuts on the international market. It means that local, traditional nut varieties are less and less available as the industry favors standardization. We've also lost one of the most important things: taste. In the industry's push for disease resistance, durability, and standardization, we've lost flavors, textures, and variety. Basis Nuts is trying to change this. We find the best-tasting varieties of nuts that are grown by small farmers around the world and import them to Denmark. We identify the variety, origin, and uniqueness about these nuts and target food-conscious consumers and chefs to make them realize what they've been missing. We want to highlight and preserve biodiversity and make people start to think about where their nuts come from.


SundBesked is a HealthTech start-up that seeks to enable effortless collaboration and communication amongst healthcare staff, and between patients and caregivers. Our solution will provide an innovative communication platform that facilitates easy sharing of visual information through mobile applications in a secure and legal way. We're working further developing our MVP + performing user tests to guide further programming. SundBesked is a spin-out company from the BioMedical Design Novo Nordic Fellowship Programme at the University of Copenhagen – a program with focus on needs driven healthcare innovation. We are today a part of the accelerator “Innofounder Graduate” supported by Innovation Fund Denmark and Danish Design Center.

ZenzeTech ApS

ZenzeTech's mission is to improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease. ZenzeTech is a small startup that monitors Parkinson’s patients’ walking symptoms with intelligent insoles equipped with different sensors. The data is translated into the patients’ courses of disease, which can be used to enhance clinicians’ ability to personalize and optimize the patients’ treatment.

Loftbolig A/S

Loftbolig A/S hjælper boligforeninger og professionelle med at konvertere de mange uudnyttede tørrelofter i København til moderne, miljøvenlige boliger. Vi samarbejder med ledende arkitekter og anvender de nyeste teknologier og materialer for at skabe unikke, miljøvenlige boliger. Loftbolig A/S køber tørreloftet af foreningen og sørger for al papirarbejdet og omdanner tørreloftet til lejligheder med minimalt besvær. IForeningen kan bruge pengene til at renovere taget, sætte opgangen i stand eller tage en tur sydpå - det vælger de selv. Uanset hvad kan foreningen sove trygt om natten. Vi stiller bankgaranti og forsikringer, der dækker selv den værste stormflod og vi insisterer altid på den bedste kvalitet.


Cyroinvest er et 100 % dansk registreret Anpartsselskab (ApS) der beskæftiger sig med investering og investeringsrådgivning i kryptovaluta. Cyroinvest er en professionel partner til virksomheder, der søger rådgivning og investering i kryptovaluta. Dette betyder også, at Cyroinvest, til trods for at handel og rådgivning vedrørende kryptovaluta i udgangspunktet ikke er omfattet finansiel regulering, i stort omfang vil vi forsøge at følge de regler, der analogt kan finde anvendelse på området. Dette indebærer også, at Cyroinvest vil holde sig ajour med Finanstilsynets Fintech afdeling, og på områder, hvor det findes relevant også at søge rådgivning. Det er vigtig for Cyroinvest, at Kunden føler tryghed i samarbejdet. Cyroinvest sørger derfor at skabe transparens i aftaleforholdet, ligesom Cyroinvest også har udarbejdet politikker samt skriftlige forretningsgange og procedurer på alle væsentlige områder, herunder for ordreudførelse, hvidvask, IT og databeskyttelse, ligesom selskabets regnskaber er underlagt kontrol af revisor.


SurveyLabs helps companies and organizations to understand their product / market, their employees or their customers / users. SurveyLabs is a SaaS product, for collecting e.g. customer feedback and user experiences. Our service is template-based and can be used for e.g. analysis of customer loyalty, market research, employee well-being, product feedback and more. We have specially developed a thematic AI analysis to analyze customer loyalty via NPS. SurveyLab is a complete software package with tools for: collection, integration and reporting.


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Give Service

Give Service er et rengøringsfirma, der kan sikre dig et rent og harmonisk arbejdsmiljø, tilfredshed og samt ikke koste dig en formue. Du kan du trygt overlade opgaven til os. Det er vores vision at blive mellemstore, så er vi i stand at tilbyde fornuftige priser som er fri fra belastning af unødvendig administrativ del.


We are helping unemployed and uneducated people with gaining proof of their skills. We have a cooporation with 500+ companies, that are used to this kind of labour. Together with these companies, we have made 300+ small videocourses about specific tasks in the different companies or branches. Hereby people can get proof of what they already know, and they can learn a little more at the same time. Once they have done that we have an automatic CV-maker. It just need you to answer some simple questions (then it fills out CV automatically), add a picture, and then it pops up with 10-15 suggestions of how your CV could be. The same story regarding "Apply", but here you have the option for choosing between a lot of sentences, so you dont need a big vocabulary yourself. All this is packed in to be used on handheld devices, as it is seldom that people in this stage of their life, have admittance to a well functioning PC/MAC. The package is a BtG and BtB solution, and we already have contracts with. some of the biggest players on the market.

SimplyPrint ApS

SimplyPrint brings the needed evolution to 3D print. We make it; smart, simple and easy to manage. Founded in January, 2020 with a dream of making 3D print easier for teachers, students, print farms as well as hobby-level enthusiasts. We set out to make the simplest, but most powerful platform for 3D printers, and we think we have achieved just this. - Users can start, stop, monitor and maintain their 3D printer(s) from the most intuitive 3D printing platform with the nicest UI on the market - Teachers don't have to worry about their students using the printers, and students don't have to rely on their teachers to use them - Print farms can access all their printers from a single panel With more than 260.000 print jobs started through our platform, 3337+ KG of 3D printer filament used, and more than 56.900 days of raw print time, SimplyPrint has been well received nationally and internationally, by hobby users, schools, universities, libraries and print farms.


Gastrobox er en madklub for madentusiaster, der søger inspiration i deres gastronomiske univers. Gastrobox leverer hver måned en oplevelseskasse fuld af inspiration og ingredienser til køkkenet. En Gastrobox leveres hver måned til hoveddøren for 225,- og indeholder 5-7 produkter og et magasin fuld af opskrifter.


The problems: 1. Countless Africans lost money because they trusted someone in Africa to conduct a financial transaction or local project on their behalf and got abused. 2. Current E-commerce marketplaces focusing on Africa do not necessarily take into account the diaspora. 3. They do not take into account the consumer to consumer (C2C) aspect as well as the micro and/or informal ecosystems. 4. No easy way exists to find trustworthy partners and suppliers in Africa. 5. Weak business digitization in general and, in particular, lack of several strong E-commerce marketplaces for Africa. The solution : Therefore we created First to solve the problem of Africans from the diaspora (outside the continent of Africa) wishing to build houses, buy land or make similar personal projects in Africa and who could not find anyone trustworthy enough to carry these projects out with. The idea slowly moved towards all types of projects and finally towards all kinds of products and services, to become an E-commerce marketplace geared towards the African diaspora and Africa in general without ignoring the global inherent nature of any E-commerce platform.


Littleunbox er et månedligt abonnement, der er skræddersyet til gravide og forældre til babyer, som er mellem 0 og 2 år. Produkterne i boksen er særligt tilpasset til barnets alder og udvikling. Hver måned modtager vores medlemmer udvalgte kvalitets produkter til barnet, samt overraskelser der kan glæde mor, og far. De udvalgte kvalitetsprodukter vil hver måned variere og indeholde både økologiskbabymad, plejeprodukter samt lege- og pusleprodukter. Som nybagt mor, havde jeg set et stort behov for at blive inspireret af de kvalitetsprodukter til min baby, der er relevante for mig uden at jeg selv forestå al research på produkterne. Der fødes over 61.000 børn om året i Danmark og jeg ville gerne levere en service til de nybagte forældre, som gør det første år med den ny baby nemmere. Derfor har jeg oprettet og lancerede den 17. maj 2020.


VitaSim provides an evidence-based software package for skill practice in virtual reality (VR). We provide 3 different solutions: 1. Produce VR based content with VitaSim Author. 2. Experience it with VitaSim Study. 3. Explore world-class content from VR creators who are distributing their content using VitaSim Enterprise.


We are building an app that connects small stores and consumers through offers and vouchers. Now, small stores can increase their reach by running hourly based offers on the Znapto platform for a fraction of the average marketing cost. Selling coffee but don't have any costumers due to bad weather? Put an offer on Znapto for a couple of hours, and attract costumers when you need them. We love the local communities and hope that this initiative will support local businesses all over the world - starting in Copenhagen.